Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Greetings constantly aging and eventually will perish... readers. As this is my first post on my very own blog, one would assume that I would give a brief introduction to the general flow of my posts and a brief introduction about myself. Well, my posts will not include any information about my living conditions in any way, shape or form what so ever. Therefore, if your a creepy internet stalker that likes to...
File:Thor Fighting the Serpent by H. L. M.jpg
"tame the serpent" 
per se, over the happenings of a pre-pubescent girls life, then I suggest you look elsewhere, like Hieu Trung Chau's blog (which you can find in my followers section). Instead, my blog will start with one topic and snowball into a catastrophic train wreck. Much like... if a train were to be placed on top of a mountain of other trains, and the train that was placed on top of the alleged "train mountain" were to cascade down the mountain in a rolling motion. (Stay with me here. This could be possible) Then, as the train rolls down the hill, other trains would latch onto the already moving train and roll together with it and gradually create an enormous "trainball" with enough speed to generate enough heat to meld the trains together. Thus creating a "Snowballing Catastrophic Train Wreck" or "S.C.T.W" for short. That is a brief sample of what my posts will contain. It's as if my posts were roller coaster rides...
I suppose my posts will have the ability to scare small children as well.
But that's beside the point. Like a nosy friend. Who's too obnoxious to figure out that a couple are on a date, so they invite themselves and ruin the whole day. In a way.

I'm not quite sure if anyone would have understood what I meant 2 presses of my enter button ago. So, since I'm such a courteous writer, I shall explain.


Elaboration and Explanation of "That's Beside the Point" Pun.

Written by Masanori Hayashida

When one takes the concept of "That's Beside the Point" in literal terms, one can then conjure an image of what it may mean.

As evident in the diagram, when one declares that a certain fact or statement is "Beside the Point", then one has thus come to the conclusion that the certain fact or statement is obsolete, un-important or un-wanted. Therefore when I used the "Third Wheel Analogy", it was meant that the statement, "I suppose my posts will have the ability to scare small children as well." Was un-important and un-wanted, much to the liking of "a nosy friend. Who's too obnoxious to figure out that a couple are on a date, so they invite themselves and ruin the whole day."

This term may also be used when ones mind careens towards an obsolete, un-important or un-wanted tangent, resulting in a random telling of an utterly obsolete, un-important or un-wanted story.

So perhaps you to may be able to facilitate such a term in daily colloquial speech-versations?
Thus concludes the Elaboration and Explanation of the "That's Beside the Point" Pun.


1 comment:

  1. Great first post Masa, great post. You're english skills are so enviable. T___T
